Release Notes

Modified on Sat, 22 Feb at 7:36 AM

February 19

HMAP/SMAP Voltage Issue

  • Fixed: When a meter loading page was opened, in few cases the voltage readings were showing a blank graph.

February 13

WME - Line Editor Stays on Layer

  • Fixed: After adding a few new lines and executing undo button until button went grey indicating it was completed, but the line was still there.

February 12

Zoom Display change

  • Fixed: The ability to stop displaying single phase lines as the users zoom out, but keep three phase lines visible much longer, it was found something had changed the zoom value and the single phase lines were disappearing too soon.

WME - Source Icon

  • Source elements will be displayed as red and white icon below which is also used in the desktop application.

February 05

Web Map Default Date

  • Since we don't get data for today until next day, no data was available. The map should default to yesterday's date.

January 29

SCADA Time zone

  • Fixed: There was UTC/EST time zone conversion issue when viewing Realtime data.

January 24

Historical Outages List

  • Fixed: When an outage was confirmed, it was  to Historic but not to Unplanned Outages. It should stay in Unplanned outages until a restoration Time was populated for the outage.

January 22

Secondary Voltage Display

  • The breakdown (240V) will be removed to simplify the menu and remove confusion about secondary voltages other than 240V which exist on that layer.

January 17

HealthMap Line Monitors

  • Fixed: Errors were showing when going to the main map for HealthMap customers. This was due to HealthMap customers not having Line Monitors.

January 15

Line Monitors Page Redesign

  • The Line Monitors page will be updated to display SCADA and Virtual points in SMAP.

Realtime Data on Web Map

  • Updated web map to display real-time data.

January 03

WME - Edit Source

  • Source can be edited now in WME.

January 01

WME - Load Loss Analysis

  • This functionality is now available to calculate the load loss results from Load Flow Analysis for any selected node.

December 12

Meters not found in Realtime

  •  Fixed: When selecting meters on the regular web map, it gave an error when in Realtime mode. When Realtime mode was off the selection worked fine.

December 04

Open in New Tab Error

  • When working with SmartMAP, If we 'Open in New Tab' to load many items from a table of data (like overloaded TX). It gave us 'unexpected error' page, but when we refresh the page, it loaded correctly

December 02

Restore Step Search

  • Fixed: When entering restore steps there was 'undefined' issue for devices in .

November 27

WME - Edit Line Preview

  • Fixed: when using Edit Line or when moving a node with lines attached, the line did not show its new location until after making a change. 

November 21

Web App - Remove Reclosers and Boundary Meters

  • All Recloser and Boundary Meter related functionality in the web application have been removed after all customers have migrated to use the new SCADA functionality.

POM - Multiple Outage Display

  • Epcor had two planned outages and when clicking the (2) circle and to zoom in to get outage details though, we could only see the details for one of the outages.  The box should show half details with the option to toggle to the next outage.

November 06

WME - Asset Search

  • The WME search only allowed searching by node name.

October 31

GIS Sync - fix latitude/longitude order

  • The constructor was being used incorrectly in a few places, where latitude/longitude were swapped.

October 30

WME - Default Line Reference

  • When drawing a line, the reference & phasing of the new line will default to the reference used by existing lines attached to the end node.

WME - New Line Length

  • When drawing lines, the length was always entered as 0 and the user had to open the line and hit Recalculate.  The line length now defaults to the value populated when the recalculate button is pressed.

October 21

WME - Map Loading Issue

  • Fixed: On the WME page, the map was not loading except only regions were visible.

October 10

GIS Sync - Generate secondary lines

  • We can now generate secondary lines automatically based on "service location" information from the customer.

Elbow/Switch issues

  • Fixed: Primary lines connected to the TX between two elbows are single phased, but these lines should be 3-phased.

October 05

Temperature Readings:

  • Fixed: The temp graph was showing the expected hourly readings, followed by an extra value 1min later that was much lower than the one that came on the hour.

October 02

Dashboard Transformer Load Count Not Excluding Transformers

  • Fixed: The dashboard transformer loading readings and the transformer list page had different number of transformers which was due to the dashboard tx list not considering excluded transformers.

September 30

Outage Restoration issue

  • Fixed: A success message was received after populating the restore time and pressing save, but it was not saving the restore time or restoring the outage.

Planned Outage - Area not recognized

  • Fixed: An error was received when trying to enter an outage that area must be selected. 

September 25

Add Restore Step Error

  • Fixed: When adding a restore step to an outage we received an error (but it still added the restore step). 

Meter Detail Page Issue

  • Fixed: There were some instances where the meter detail page failed to load due to null/empty account values.

Outage Impacted Meters

  • Fixed: Issue where meters impacted was showing zero on some screens and correct on others.

September 18

WME - Ability to Remove Layer

  • Added the ability to remove a layer. Shows the user a warning/confirmation message before allowing them to remove it.

September 16

Windows App - Outage History Bug

  • Fixed: While trying to edit one of the older outages, SMAP Window crashed.

September 11

WME - Editing References on Mobile

  • Editing references was not working on mobile, clicking the arrow to expand a menu, but double-clicking/long press on an item did not open the right-click menu we get from the desktop.

WME - Short Circuit Analysis Issue

  • Fixed: Short circuit analysis was not working in WME.

September 04

TX Load calculations delay

  • Fixed: Some systems had a delay on their TX load information.

August 29

POM - Active Outage Count

  • Fixed:  Active outages sidebar did not match what was shown on their public outage map.

August 28

Outage Message Filter Issue

  • Fixed: When filtered the Received column for outage messages (table when clicking on LG on dashboard), after entering in 'contains' value, an error occurred.

August 21

PowerShare - Adjustments to Forecasting

  • When we go back a year etc. we will go to the same day of week.

WME - Show Disconnected/Model Save

  • When showing disconnected manually, it will show ALL disconnected nodes, not just meters.
  • When saving the system model, it will only consider disconnected meters when warning the user about disconnected meters and closed loops.

WME - Switch Context Menu

  • Simplified the context menu for switch to have "Toggle Switch Status" so there's no sub menu.

August 19

GIS Sync - Inactive Meters

  • Fixed: A meter that was removed from the database but was still showing up after running a GIS sync.

August 15

WME - Switch Changes

  • Zoom level will be maintained when selecting an item through search, only Pan is changed to center the map on the selected item and it is selected/highlighted.

August 14

WME - Reorganize Toolbar

  • Moved Search drop down with the select buttons
  • Renamed "Analysis" tab to "Tracing"
  • Created a new tab named "Analysis", and a button where "Run Short Circuit" will be executed.

August 07

Web Model Editor - Beta

  1. Fixed: While trying to save a system model an error showed up 212 disconnected meter nodes but the disconnected nodes did not have meter elements, so they should not have shown up.
  2. Fixed: When double-clicked on the an item in the list, it would bring us to a blank spot on the map instead of centering on the node.
  3. Add Power Transformer
  • Power Transformer elements allow users to connect different primary voltage layers as Transmission Stations & Substations do in the field. 

  1. A user will use the Select tool and CTRL to select 2 nodes on different primary voltage layers.  
  2. The button then becomes active, allowing them to create a Power Transformer which will connect the 2 voltage layers. 
  3. The user is then prompted to enter the details of the transformer at that location.  
  4. The values used here are very similar to the References -> Transformer Properties.  
  5. The user selects a Transformer Reference to use when adding a Power Transformer. 

July 31

WME - Search Type

  • The WME search used to be 'Begins With' instead of 'Contains' which was making it very difficult to use.

Menu options hidden on mobile

  • When viewing SmartMAP on some mobile devices the bottom options on the menu were not accessible because they got cut off and there was no slider.

July 27

Outage Attachment - Drag & Drop

  • For outage attachment "Choose File" is now changed to "Choose/Drop File".

Outage Entry Boxes

  • Outage entry box is now expandable to add lengthy text.

Outage info - Safe measures

  • While adding information about a confirmed Outage if User tries to enter for “Estimated Restore Time” a previous date/hour than “Interruption Time”, an error message will pop up that the info is not compatible with “Interruption Time”
  • If User tries to enter for “Restore Time” a previous date/hour than “Interruption Time”, an error message shows that the info is not compatible with “Interruption Time”
  • If User tries to enter for “On-site Time” a previous date/hour than “Interruption Time”, error message is shown that the info is not compatible with “Interruption Time”
  • User can leave “On-site” date/hour blank, but in case User has entered “On-site" date/hour info then “Restore time” date/hour has to be later than “On-site" date/hour.

Remove Temperature Bubbles

  • The Temperature bubbles (tooltip) is removed when hovering the graphs as it was hard to select the actual data points that users needed the bubbles for.  

July 15

TXs taking too long to load in SmartMAP maps

  • Fixed: The "view on map" option for was optimized for performance

July 03

Transformer Phase - incorrect

  • Fixed: The system model had the current phasing correct but was not updated in web model.

July 02

WME - Release 3 Cleanup/Fixes

  • When opening a model from server, it showed a loading status. At time it appeared to hang with nothing happening for up to 5 seconds.

June 26

WME - Right Click Context Menu For Switches

  • Added a context menu when right clicking a switch it will allow toggling the opened/closed status of the selected switch.

Outage Detection Error Logs

  • Fixed: We were getting errors while trying to clear items in Outage detection.

Customer Outage Download

  • Added OutageID to the Outages Impacted Customers page and a download option for the data.

Can't Cancel PSCs

  • Fixed: SmartMAP allows users to queue PSC's and there is an X button to cancel requests.  The X was not working.

Unexpected Server Response Error in Unassigned Outage Calls

  • Fixed: The Unassigned Outage Calls tab in the Meter section of SmartMap was displaying an "Unexpected Server Response error", and was not loading any data.

June 25

Kirkwood - Invalid Area

  • Fixed: Area=KW is gave an error while trying to save system model after updates.

June 20

WME - Search Type

  • The WME search was updated from 'Begins With' to 'Contains' which made search functionality easier.


WME - Allow Navigation From Outage Map For Switches

  • Added a new button to the switch sidebar on the outage map
  • Clicking it will navigate to the Model Editor page and select/zoom to the switch.

WME - Voltage Layers

  • Layers Tab will display the models current voltage layers. We'll rename the current "Layers" tab to  "Visibility" or whatever else makes sense.

June 15

Restore Unassigned Outage Calls for Desktop App

  • Fixed: Unassigned Outage Calls was not loading in desktop app.

June 12

Public Outage Map 

  • Improved functionality for improved performance 

June 06

TX Page not loading

  • Fixed: The transformers page was not loading and showed an error.

June 04

GIS Sync - unapplied changes

  • Fixed: Changes that were already addressed in model were showing up again even though no new GIS data was uploaded.

May 25

Connexo V12 PSC

  • Fixed: Connexo V12 PSC did not work for meters where Meter Number != Meter Name.

May 22

WME - Allow Saving and Loading Models from the Server

  • Added the ability to save the progress of that model on the server.
  • Added a UI that allows a user to load a previously saved file from the server.

May 21

WME - Release 2 Cleanup

  • Fixed: Issue when selecting multiple items on the map with the box tool - if you select more than once the selection did not re-render.
  • Fixed disconnected lines table styling.

  • Reduced z-index of the legend.

  • Improved validation.

  • Base action creator has "Validate" that can be leveraged to return better messages when doing any action.

  • Undo was not showing after first edit, once another edit action was completed, undo would then show.

  • Starting session and navigating to edit crashed the page.

  • Rounded windows.

  • Disabled map rotation.

May 08

Inactive Meter Events

  • The dashboard tiles for last gasp messages, tilt/tamper, brown out, and hot socket events will all exclude meters that are currently inactive.

Unassigned Outage Calls

  • Date selector for unassigned outage calls did not control the call table, only the outages, it controls both now.

May 06

TX Load Export

  • An export option is now available to the SmartMAP & HealthMAP Transformers page to allow a user to select a date range and download all of the data.

May 03

Support for multiple AMI's

  • Added the ability to add multiple AMI connection references to support two AMI's for power status check and outage detection.

May 01

Voltage Under Threshold Alert

  • Fixed: Voltage under threshold expected a negative value but the form would not allow the user to enter one.

April 24

Web Model Editor - Release 1

  • WME is active for all customers and can be accessed through the menu on dashboard.

April 09

WME - Use User Name/Email For Currently Editing Users

  • Editing user shows the username/email like in the desktop app.

March 28

System Model Save Issues

  • Fixed: There were issues saving system models after making voltage updates.

March 21

Boundary meters

  • Fixed: Dashboard Boundary Meters were not updating.

March 18

Public Outage Map

  • Public outage map will center on user coordinates when viewing from Enerconnect


March 13

Switch Status Toggle Names

  • Switches correctly displayed status as Open/Closed, but when changing the status of a switch, it showed ON/OFF instead.  Changed the toggle names from ON/OFF to OPEN/Closed.

Restore Step - Device Search

  • Fixed: if we opened the TO device search looking for transformers, on the last page of available distribution transformers and we changed the search to switch, it showed no results unless we went back to the first page. 

March 05

Missing Lines

  • Fixed: Few primary lines were missing from model import.

March 04

Missing TX Loading

  • TX loading data for some transformers.

February 29

Feeder Naming Issue 

  • Fixed: Feeder naming was not working as expected.

February 23

GIS Sync - Import/Export Enhancements

February 21

Outage Management Improvements

  1. When performing a partial restoration of an outage by populating restore steps, it determines the number of meters restored & the outage is updated on the map & public outage map to reflect the partial restoration.
  2. Adding a restore step, it shows the number of devices downstream of the restored device and subtract them from the total number of devices downstream of the outage device when a specific device is restored. 
  3. Updating the map: if there's no restore time, the full outage shows on the map. The outage on the map reflects restore steps that have partially restored an outage.
  4. Individual meters that have been restored will no longer be blinking.
  5. On the interrupting device - it shows how many meters were originally affected, as well as how many are still out.
  6. The number of affected customers is the current count - only customers that have not yet been restored.

February 14

Outage SMS Issue

  • Fixed: There was an issue with outage messages not going out.  The messages were delayed.

February 06

POM - Partially Restored Outage

  •  Partial outage restoration reflects partial outages by blinking only the meters which were remaining out on the map.  The same was not displayed on the public outage map.

February 03

User-created levels wouldn't work

February 01

Proposed Outages - Meter Blinking

  • Meters now blink on the map when part of a proposed outage.

Downstream Meters list duplicates

  • The duplicates appear to be related to expired meter-TX relationships which are being included.

OM Improvements - Restore Steps 

  • When entering a restore step for an outage, the user can select a "From" device and a "To" device. 

OM Improvements - Outage Details on Map 

  • When one or more Restore Steps have been added to the Outage:

      -The number of customers affected display the current number of customers out, as well as have the original count displayed

      - Meters that are no longer out stop blinking on the map.

January 31 

Line Feeder missing

  • Fixed: On validation, some lines which had the name in the system model, but the name did not show up on the web.

Load/Voltage Gauges

  • Fixed: The gauges stopped showing details. 

GIS Sync - Missing Description 

  • On Export from GIS Sync, Junction point Descriptions were not being included as the .DSX node description.

January 29 

Model Locked Issue

  • Fixed: When publishing a model from the desktop app and the publish is finished the app would not unlock the model until the "Ok" button is clicked from the "Save complete."

January 25

Last Gasp Messages

  • Fixed: some Last Gasp Messages were not being processed.

January 24 

Line Feeder missing

  • Fixed: There were some lines which had the name in the system model , but the name did not show up on the web model. 

January 18 

TX Loading - Meter Details

  • Fixed: When viewing TX Loading and clicking an interval to reveal the bar graph of the meters that make up the TX load, the meter details were not loading for all meters.

January 13  

Planned Outage Viewing on Map

  • Fixed: To view a planned outage on the map which is entered ahead of time and not currently in progress, we received an error.

Planned Outage - Meter Halo Color

  • Fixed: Planned outages were supposed to show up as blue, but they were showing as Red.

Auto-Scrolling Inconsistencies 

  • Fixed: A number of inconsistencies and unintended functionality regarding the automatic scrolling implemented in the SmartMap Application.

January 11

GIS Sync - Load Categories

  • Fixed: Load Categories were getting changed from "Year,Week" to ","  when we run GIS Sync and export a .DSX.

January 10

Outage Management - Attachments

  • In the desktop application there is the option to add attachments to outages, the option to attach/view was missing from the web though.

December 21

Downstream Meters List

  • Added the option to view a list of downstream meters when a user selects a device on the SmartMAP Web map.


Change and additions to be added to the sidebar. These can be designed similarly to the desktop app to start.

  1. Show individual electrical layers
  • We currently show lines by primary/secondary. Show the electrical layer associated (current web map does this)
  • Electrical layers can be found in the Dess model references - SystemModel.References.Values(SubType.Layer)
  • On Lines and the Layer Dess objects, IsMeterLayer/IsMeterLine is secondary lines, all else are primary

2. Add tabs to the bottom (or top) of the side bar 

  • Layers.
  • References - expandable list of all reference types (Conductors, Transformers, etc.).
  • Selected - show all elements that are currently selected. Expandable, with type as parent.
  • Meter Check - allows selecting a meter from a table of meters and perform a status check.

December 21

Downstream Meters List

  • Added the option to view a list of downstream meters when a user selects a device on the SmartMAP Web map.

December 20

Power status Check

  • Fixed: Power status check returned empty error. 

December 18

Set Feeder names

  • The Set Feeder Names tool is a automatic action now.

Fixed: Outage - Empty Impacted Meters List

December 15 

TX search broken

  • Fixed:  When searched for any part of the name in the Transformers search it had no results.

December 13

Can't confirm outage

  • Fixed: The page just continuously tried to load when we press the CONFIRM button.

Model save error

  • Fixed:  This issue was discovered after a model was saved after a failed Load Flow resulted in bad numbers.

Desktop App - Outage Page

  • Fixed: The outage management tab to view historic outages did not show up but when it was changed from outage to non-outage, then went back and they showed up.

Password Reset Issue

  • After resetting password and setting new one, the submit button will not work.

December 08

Proposed-Outage Reasons

  • Fixed: When trying to load the Admin - Outage Reasons Page, an 'Unexpected Error Response' was received.

December 06

View outage details from map

  • An overview button was added to the outage details side tab when viewing an outage on the map. Clicking the button will navigate to the Outage Management page, and auto select the correct tab and entry for the selected outage.

Outage Management - Sync Phases and Impacted Meters

  • Fixed: When creating a new outage event or editing an existing outage there was no synchronization happening between the area of the form where the impacted phases are selected and which downstream devices are included in the impacted meters count on the same form.

December 02

Restore time won't populate

  • Fixed:  outage & restoration messages were available for the meters under Device Notifications, but users were not able to populate restore time with the populate button.

November 30

GIS Sync - Area

  • A null area should not be considered as a GIS Sync Update & If GIS.Area comes across with a value, then it will propose updating SmartMap.Area to the GIS.Area value.

November 27

Desktop Application

1.. Fixed: Some models were slow in the desktop applications.

2.. Added additional model validation for missing unique IDs where needed.

3. Bug fixed: The 'Connected Lines' portion of the box was getting a lot of extra white-space, making it the full size of some screens in some cases not allowing access to the buttons at the bottom.

November 24

Data by Timestamp report

  • Similar to the TX Peak Report, which provides a list of all transformers with their peak load for a specified date range, users can view all TX Loads for a specific timestamp (or meter load/voltage).  The data is downloadable so users can perform analysis based on that data, or view/compare with GIS.

 Help Icon/link for web 

  • Help button added to top right corner. Clicking the button opens a new nab navigating to the correct support repository.

November 22

Fixed: Oracle connection timeouts

  • There were intermittent timeouts when trying to open an Oracle connection.

November 18th

  1. Duplicated Interrupting Device 
    • Fixed:  it traced the device to identify the area, and it came up with both area's & duplicated the device when the feeder covered 2 areas

2. Update Vulnerable .NET Packages

November 15th

  • An error was reported while trying to load the proposed outage page and was fixed by populating the Area.

November 14th

GIS Sync

  • Fixed: Duplicating meters issue.

November 13th

GIS Sync - Deleted Description Field

  •  Fixed: The description field was empty in SmartMAP and GIS when dsx file was imported into SMAP even though it was populated.

November 9th

Device Notifications Columns

  • Added Meter Name column that the voltage tables have, and the lookup for Customers & Address.

November 8th

Outage Issues

  • Fixed: unable to edit the outages.

November 6th

Fixed: Geotab - Vehicles not working

  • Vehicles were not updating on the map and last updated locations pointed where the device settings was reconfigured.

November 1st

Fixed: GeoTab - Long Vehicle Name

  • This error started happening a lot in the logs - and appeared to be due to a vehicle name that was longer than we could store.

October 25th

Upgrade Web components

Fixed: Adding Outage Device

  • When adding an interrupting device to an outage error popped up.
Outage - impacted phases
  • Users will be able to view affected phase(s) as well as define them when selecting an interrupting device. When outage detection runs, it is able to propose an outage at a single phase of a 3ph device.

DSO - Import Predispatch Shadow Prices

  • The DSO project will use data from the IESO Predispatch Shadow Prices Report to determine if additional power should be purchased from market participants.

October 21st

Outage Summary Emails

  • Added timestamp to first "last gasp" messages showing the exact time of outage.


October 14th

    Map Refresh Indicator Part 2

Added event to web service: when a new system model version is created.

Created 'UseNewTransformerMapper' Setting in GIS Sync Customer Settings

  • Created a setting to enable/disable the new transformer-meter mapper for a specific customer.

September 30th

Nodes Meter Task

  • Updated Nodes Metering task in SMAP Task Scheduler application: if there are no assets found in Nodes, stop execution of task. 

September 21st

  1. Created scheduled task that publishes interval readings to Nodes.
  2. Included interval readings for meters identified as market participants.
  3. Provided 'net' readings (e.g. aggregate of load and generation).
  4. Included as many intervals as possible
  5. Scheduled to send readings daily.

September 18th

Fixed: Dashboard Hi/Low Voltage Problems count & Table count don't match.

September 7th

Bug Fixed: Error when unselecting row on Outage tables.

August 30th, 2023

    Users without “Add/Edit Outage” will no longer be able to view the outage menu and add/edit outages. 

August 23rd, 2023

    Create new system model version when system model is updated from web app – internal & external

August 16th, 2023


    Added Samsara AVL integration to SmartMap. 

August 2nd, 2023

  1. Added a check on setting filed status for outages - ensures that there are restore orders set for the outage first 
  2. fixed bug with the legends in the filters not showing up 
  3. Allow users to view meters that are no longer active 

July 29th, 2023

Added txtemprating setting to SmartMap. Transformer load % and readings should now take into consideration when this setting is set in SmartMap admin.

July 26th, 2023 

Added Power Transformers to the Web Map
  1. Power Transformers will now be saved to the database on publishing a model
  2. Power Transformers will be visible on the web map along with details in the side bar on click

Enable Outage Markers In Both Real-Time and Historical Views

July 5th, 2023

1. Web map maximum zoom level will now go beyond what the default tiles allow, changing to a blank background/canvas to do so

June 17th, 2023

1. Updated map side bars with new styling, labels and icons

May 31st , 2023

1. Add Ability to edit non Outage and major event flags in Outage Management

2. Changed to a new Icon Set for the navigation and Header bar


May 27th, 2023

1. Dashboard Data based on Time range (Default of 24 hours)

April 29th, 2023

1. Ported a Number of Pages to Kendo React (Including the switch detail page, outage report pages, and the login page.)

2. Added Per-Phase Nominal Meter Voltage Ranges to the Meter Loading Chart
3. Last Gasp Query Optimization Changed

April 12, 2023

1. The dashboard has been rewritten with a similar, more modern interface. Problematic tiles will now have a flashing icon

March 30th, 2023
  1. Excluded meters will now be shown on the map and searchable.
  2. The meter name will be shown as the search result label when searching for meters instead of the meter number.

March 22nd, 2023

  1. Improved Dashboard Loading Performance  - Data on the dashboard should load faster now. 
  2. Fixed a bug that caused transformers to disappear when you enabled Real-Time mode on the map. 
  3. Fixed issues with datasets not invalidating when toggling Real-Time mode on the map. 
  4. Increased System Model Save Timeout System model uploads were exceeding the timeout limit.  This timeout limit has now been increased, and will be applied in the next Desktop App release. 
  5. Improved System Model Upload Performance, large system models will now upload much faster. 
  6. Fixed a bug where invalid values were being rendered on detail section of the map when a power line was selected in non Real-Time mode. 
  7. Enabled Response Compression, Dashboard, and some Map endpoints will now transfer less data, resulting in a faster load time.
  8. Adjustments to planned/unplanned/historic outage table columns to make them more consistent.

March 8th, 2023
  1. Added an indicator to the SmartMap web app which shows if the system model is currently locked for editing by another user in the same organization.
  2. Added functionality to the new api which allows editing meter properties. Also added a form to the meter detail page to interact with this backend functionality.
  3. Fixed a data display issue which made the relationship between a meter’s phasing and nominal voltage values unclear.
  4. Added new symbols for Overhead VS Underground assetsImage

March 1st, 2023
1. Added the Ability To Modify Non-Outage Reasons
On the Admin page if you navigate to the "Outage Reasons" tab, you can now modify non-outage reasons. 

2. GIS Sync Table Improvement
When viewing models on the GIS Sync page, you can now adjust the column widths. 

3. User Level Access Bug Fix
Changes to User Level Access permissions will now take effect immediately.

February 22nd, 2023
1. Performance Improvement
 Improved simultaneous request handling - page loading should be a lot faster now.

February 15th, 2023
1. Meter Voltage Edits From the SmartMap Front End 
Previously it was only possible to edit nominal voltage values for meters in the SmartMap desktop app

2. Switching Management Enabled 
This update allows users to open/close switches from the web app

3. Added Date Picker Support For Data Table Links 
When clicking on links embedded inside of data tables (for example a link to navigate to view an entity on the map) the date previously selected with the date picker will now persist across pages if applicable. 

4. Improved Outage Management Data Tables 
The look of all data tables in the outage management section have been updated. The data being displayed is still the same, the main difference is the way you interact with the tables (for example filtering). 

5. Pie Chart Outage Rework 
Previously there was only one layer of pie chart nesting (when you click on slices to view sub-charts). With the new rewrite, the is no limit. Another benefit is faster initial load time. 

6. Device Notification Bug Fix 
A minor bug has been fixed with the device notifications table. There was an issue with the data appearing in the wrong column if the meter that sent a notification did not have a transformer. This has been fixed, and it will simply render an empty column. 

7. Consistency Update
The layout for the following pages has been made more consistent:
  • Transformers
  • Meters
  • Line Monitors
  • Boundary Meters
  • Reclosers
  • Faults
  • Device Notifications

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